What is the places call?

“Places” is called by a stage manager a few minutes prior to the performance starting, and is the signal for the cast and crew to make their way to their place for the top of show. In the UK and Australia they use “Beginners”, but it serves the same purpose.

Places is always the final call made by the SM prior to the performance. It serves as a heads up to everyone that the performance will begin once everyone is in their position for the top of show. The ASM‘s keep track as everyone arrives to their starting position and let the PSM know that everyone is ready by saying “We have Places”. Once the PSM has Places confirmed, and the house manager has turned over the house, the show begins.

When is Places Called in Theatre?

In the US, there is no set time to call places, but typically 2-3 minutes prior to the start of the show. The SM will figure out during tech and previews how long it typically takes for everyone to get ready and in position.

When is Beginners Called?

Beginners is called 5 minutes prior to the top of show. Because of this, Half Hour in the UK is actually called 35 minutes prior to the performance to include this extra 5 minutes. This allows plenty of time for everyone to make their way to the stage as necessary.

What are the other calls prior to the show starting?

Other calls will typically include Half Hour call, 15 minutes, 10 minutes, and 5 minutes. Places or beginners will always be the last call prior to the performance starting.

Who calls Places?

In most cases the Production Stage Manager (or whoever is calling the cues for the performance) will call places over a PA system to the dressing rooms and over headset to the crew. The ASM will then let anyone backstage know that places has been called.

If you are wondering What Stage Managers Do, I have written an entire series of articles on their responsibilities and the details of their work based on my personal experience as an SM. Give it a read if you are interested!