What is Fight Call?
Fight Call is a rehearsal which takes place prior to every performance that contains a stage fight. Each fight is usually run once at half speed, then once at full speed. This serves as a chance to check in about previous performances, and to refresh choreography before the performance.
Each fight being rehearsed should be worked using any props or set pieces which are integral to the moment, or which might present hazards. This includes swords and other hand to hand weapons. Blank firing weapons typically aren’t rehearsed prior to the show.
The call may also include other actions which aren’t specifically a fight, but might cause injury if things don’t go well. An example I have seen is a heavy prop which was thrown blindly over someones head to another person.
What Is The Purpose Of Fight Call?
Fight Call serves as a safety check for actors and crew members involved in stage combat, where even small mistakes can cause major injuries. The accident rate of stage combat with a daily fight call drops to almost zero, and eliminates almost all injuries due to simple mistakes.

Prior to the industry-wide implementation of Fight Call, injuries during shows with fights were considered part of the process. People planned ahead with understudies and replacements expecting that at least someone involved would be injured at some point.
In the 1980’s, a couple broadway shows began calling actors early to the first performance of the day who were involved in fights on stage. After multiple shows ran for over a year without any injury, the union decided that this was effective and negotiations began to include this in every contract.
When does fight call happen?
Fight Call happens right before half hour call, and is limited to 15 minutes in length. It’s required before the first performance of the day, and optional between performances on 2 show days.
If fight call only takes a few minutes for a particular show, everyone involved may agree to begin closer to half hour. The Fight Captain, Actors, and the SM must agree to the change, but should leave enough time to address any issues that come up during fight call.
Who Runs Fight Call?
The Fight Captain is responsible for running fight call. They are there to act as an outside source who is familiar with each fight, and watching for possible safety concerns other than the two actors. The PSM will usually attend when able, but they do not run it.
Fight Captain vs Fight Director
The Fight Director is an outside person who choreographs and rehearses fights during the rehearsal process, similar to the director. The Fight Captain is a member of the cast who is responsible for maintaining safety and the vision of the Fight Director after opening.
Who Can Be The Fight Captain?
On most AEA contracts, the only rules is that the Fight Captain must be a member of the cast, and can not be a Stage Manager. Usually the actor with the most stage combat experience who is not in any fights will be chosen.
The Fight Captain should ideally be able to watch all of the fights during the performance either from he wings or from a screen backstage. They must be able to closely watch for any changes to the choreography to address in the next fight call.
Because the Fight Captain should be focused on fight safety during the show, the SM should not take on this role. They have too many other things to focus on, and are more likely to miss things when adding another responsibility as important as this.

Does the Fight Captain get extra pay?
On Equity contracts, the fight captain receives extra pay for agreeing to the extra responsibility of running fight calls. As of the writing of this article, the Fight Captain receives $10 per week on most contracts. The Pay may be different on lager shows, or in other unions.
Who chooses the Fight Captain?
The Fight Captain is usually recommended by the Fight Director, and confirmed by the PSM, General Manager, and Producer. The Fight Captain will be offered the job by the producer and receive extra pay if they accept.